RBGG’s Gay Grunfeld provided commentary to the Daily Journal for an March 28, 2018 article, “Two new lawsuits allege UC bias against women researchers.” The cases are Hunter v. Regents of the University of California (Alameda Superior Court, 3/26/18) and Jackson v. Regents (Alameda Superior Court, 3/26/18).
Gay, who is not involved in either case, commented: “The Hunter case is interesting because it is relatively rare for plaintiffs to pursue pre-hire discrimination claims. If Hunter’s allegations are true, then she will be advancing an important cause — the full integration of mothers in to the workforce.”
“Jackson’s case illustrates the . . .pernicious role confidentiality agreements have played in perpetuating sexual harassment,” Gay said.
The post Grunfeld Comments to the DJ on Trends in Gender Bias Litigation appeared first on Rosen Bien Galvan & Grunfeld LLP.